Tuesday, October 1, 2024



            Once again, I watched in horror today as ballistic missiles streaked over the night skies of Israel, some aimed at the ancient city of Jerusalem, sacred to the world’s three great religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.  In the center of the walled city of old Jerusalem stands the magnificent Dome of the Rock, topped by a signature golden dome, visible to nearly the whole of the surrounding city.  It is the third holiest site in Islam, believed to be where Muhammad took his night journey into Heaven.  Underneath the Dome of the Rock are the ruins of the Second Temple, sacred to Jews worldwide.  It was destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD.  Only the Western Wall remains of the Temple.  A short distance away is the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, believed by Christians to be built on the site where Jesus Christ was crucified and buried.

            I have been fortunate to visit the ancient city eight times, most recently in 2022.  Tourists can now view the ongoing excavations of the Second Temple.  I have stood in the cobbled compound of the Dome of the Rock.  And like millions before me, I have knelt at the Altar of the Crucifixion, which is revered as the site of the Tomb of Christ.

            All of Jerusalem has been under Israeli control since the 1967 Six Day War.  It opened the old city to all faiths and provided protection.  I am grateful to the State of Israel for making it possible to visit these sacred sites.  And I pray that the Israelis continue to protect this ancient city.  So, when missiles no longer streak over the skies of Israel and the guns fall silent, I may return for yet another visit, and my children and my grandchildren may one day walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ.  

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