Friday, October 22, 2010


Jaun Williams is now in a better place - Fox News.
The fired National Public Radio news analyst found his freedom of speech squelched when pitted against CAIR (Council of American Islamic Relations), despite the fact that CAIR was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the federal indictment of the Holy Land Foundation in 2007. The Texas-based terrorist front was accused of raising millions of dollars to support Hamas.
CAIR contacted NPR and complained about Williams admitting on Fox's O'Reilley Factor that he felt a moment of fear when he boarded a plane with people dressed in traditional Muslim garb. Williams' fear is not irrational. It is a fear shared by many of us who fly.
If we allow logic to rule our thoughts we would recall this; all of the 9/11 hijackers, the shoe bomber, the failed Christmas Day bomber and the failed Times Square bomber were dressed in regular everyday garb when they attempted to ply their terrorist trade.
What was irrational was Williams' former NPR boss, CEO Vivian Schiller suggesting he, Williams, should consult his psychiatrist or publicist. Not only was it a silly, stupid, insulting statement by Schiller, it was defamatory. She better hope Williams doesn't consult an attorney.
NPR's federal funding, funneled through the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, should be stopped - period.
Anyway, NPR may not need our tax money. That model of American immigration and assimilation, George Soros, is giving NPR $1.8-million to hire 100 reporters. One has to wonder if Soros was also calling for Williams' head behind the scene. One-point-eight million buys Soros a lot of clout with NPR executives, something the leftwing billionaire has never been shy about using.
Soros is also donating heavily to Media Matters and The Huffington Post, two of the most venomous voices on the left, in the billionaire's backdoor effort to encourage a sponsor boycott of Fox News Network.
Despite his best effort and expenditure of big bucks, Soros was unable to derail the reelection of George W. Bush to a second term as president. But the financial strings he is pulling through donations to NPR is a far more insidious move and should be watched carefully. I would consider my tax dollars better spent on public television and radio if the Soros donation was rejected.
It won't be, of course, so lets halt further funding of both public television and radio. That might be enough to send Schiller and her ilk at PBS and NPR making appointments with their own psychiatrists.
Move Antique Roadshow to Fox and I will never miss public television.
As for NPR - I never listen, mainly because a 2005 study by UCLA and the University of Missouri found public radio and its programming "leans left" which corrupts NPR's original mandate "to provide an identifiable daily product which is consistent and reflects the highest standards of broadcast journalism."
The highest standards of journalism, all journalism - be factual, be unbiased. NPR is neither.

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